How to order

You can order International or Canadian medications one of three easy ways.

Order Online

  1. Search our prescription drugs and over the counter drugs by Name or by Letter.
  2. Click the Add to cart button to add medications to your online shopping cart.
  3. Click the Checkout button to begin checking out your shopping cart using our easy 5 step process.
  4. If your order contains prescription medications, you will be required to upload, fax or mail a copy of the prescription you received from your doctor. A copy of your prescription is not required for refill medications.

Order by Telephone

Simply call 1-866-500-6633 and speak to one of our customer care specialists. He or she will be happy to assist you with your order.

Order By Mail/Fax

  1. Download and print our order form.
  2. Search our website for your medications by Name or by Letter.
  3. Record the name, strength, quantity, and price of the medications you selected on the order form.
  4. Mail or fax the completed order form. Include a copy of the prescription you received from your doctor if your order contains prescription medications. A copy of your prescription is not required for refill medications.